Ellsworth Kelly's "Austin"

An Open Letter to Ellsworth Kelly,

Hey Ell, 

I hope this note finds its way to you in the great beyond. While I may never hear back, I want you to know that it’s finished. “Austin” is finally done, and I love it. 

I’ll admit for a while I found it completely pointless. I thought, “why was this being built on campus and for HOW much?!?” It felt intrusive. 

But now it’s here, and it doesn’t belong to campus, no. It belongs to Austin: at Austin’s art museum. That vivid dream you had over 30 years ago has now realized a colorful reality. 

While it may stick out amongst the weathering, limestone coffins around it, it is the prettiest sore thumb I’ve ever seen. It’s a restful, thoughtful, peaceful place full of tranquility and inspiration. 

I think my favorite thing is the building’s relationship with light; playing and changing every hour of every day, and I like to think that you still have something to do with it. 

Now it’s here. Here to enjoy for a very, very long time. It will outlast all of us and many generations thereafter. Thank you for this eternal gift. 


One grateful Austinite.

Photo by Jessica Mendez

Photo by Jessica Mendez


Moody Pavilions


LBJ Library + Museum