Mackenzie Finklea

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Ellsworth Kelly's "Austin"

An Open Letter to Ellsworth Kelly,

Hey Ell, 

I hope this note finds its way to you in the great beyond. While I may never hear back, I want you to know that it’s finished. “Austin” is finally done, and I love it. 

I’ll admit for a while I found it completely pointless. I thought, “why was this being built on campus and for HOW much?!?” It felt intrusive. 

But now it’s here, and it doesn’t belong to campus, no. It belongs to Austin: at Austin’s art museum. That vivid dream you had over 30 years ago has now realized a colorful reality. 

While it may stick out amongst the weathering, limestone coffins around it, it is the prettiest sore thumb I’ve ever seen. It’s a restful, thoughtful, peaceful place full of tranquility and inspiration. 

I think my favorite thing is the building’s relationship with light; playing and changing every hour of every day, and I like to think that you still have something to do with it. 

Now it’s here. Here to enjoy for a very, very long time. It will outlast all of us and many generations thereafter. Thank you for this eternal gift. 


One grateful Austinite.

Photo by Jessica Mendez